Get successful future in Australia

with one of the best educational systems in the world.

Study in Australia

Did you know Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world.

Australia is one of the world’s top study destinations for international students. For many years, Australian universities have ranked among the best in the world for quality education, student satisfaction and overall global reputation. Choose your study options with IIECS Consultant.​

Australia has a very sound educational infrastructure and quality life, one major factor that draws students to study abroad in Australia is the comparatively low cost of living and tuition costs compared with many other countries.

Australia is a truly multi-cultural nation, with people from all over the world including Pakistan, India, China, the UK, the USA and so on, collectively forming a part of the Australian community. All leading MNCs have a base here, making it ideal for professionals.

In Australia overseas students are permitted to work up to 24 hours each week during the academic year and full-time during vacations.

Australia has a unique system of recognizing qualifications which is beneficial for overseas students. The NOOSR (National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition) recognizes the overseas qualifications and also promotes the recognition of Australian qualifications on an international platform. All the courses of study within Australia come under the purview of the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) which simplifies the process of evaluation of the levels of study in all the universities, vocational education and training institutions and schools across Australia. The AQF allows a student to move from one level of study to another as long as visa requirements are met. With expert IIECS education consultants in Perth, you can rest be assured that your visa requirements will be met in a timely and professional manner.

Studying in Australia has many benefits that include work visa up to 4 years post study with an additional 5 points towards the PR. All with the affordable living cost!

Best Regional Areas to Study In


Including universities which are affordable with minimum living expense, Queensland is famous for well-infrastructure and its beaches. Popular cities include:

  • Tomba
  • Gold Coast
  • Kanye
  • Sunshine Coast

South Australia:

Considered the best place for winemakers – South Australia holds a punch when it comes to universities and student life. Cities like Adelaide make South Australia one of the most enjoyable place for educational destination.

Western Australia:

Holding the best city Perth in its region; Perth is the largest city in Australia to be classified as a regional area and also a lovely river city that is relaxed. Perth has been internationally recognized for its high quality of living and has been consistently listed as one of the world’s top ten most live able cities since 2004.

Northern Territory:

Famous for iconic natural treasures, ancient Aboriginal culture, birds and wildlife, dramatic landscapes, opportunities for adventure and colourful characters – the northern territory of Australia is home to people of Darwin where students get to enjoy their life the best!

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